Bergen Community College


MUSIC ART & DRAMA   MUS 110                                                Steve Freides

Spring 2009                                                                                 

West Hall 219                                                                             


Required Text:

Exploring the Humanities Creativity and Culture in the West Vol. Two; Laurie Schneider Adams.

Pearson Prenticehall.

Suggested Text:

A Short Guide to Writing About Art (Short Guide) (Paperback): Sylvan Barnet


Course Description: 

MS-110 Music, Art & Drama is designed to promote an understanding and appreciation of the human cultural heritage and concentrates upon major developments in music, art, and drama during the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and contemporary periods.


Purpose - to increase the following

a.             Student awareness of the art forms of music, art, and drama.

b.             Student knowledge of selected significant contributions in the areas of art, music, and drama.

c.             Student awareness of the correlation between the arts and the socio-economic influences of the time.


Objectives - As a result of this course students will:

1.             Become aware of the roles of perception and reaction as essential components of the musical, artistic and dramatic experience.

2.             Become aware of the general functions and elements of music, art and drama.

3.             Analyze individual musical works, art compositions, and dramatic plays from various historical style periods of Western civilization.



There will be one mid term test and one final exam (written and listening).  Students are required to attend at least one live performance followed by a written performance report.  Participation in class activities and discussions will also be considered for evaluation.  No make-up tests will be given..  


                Final Grades will be determined as follows:

                Attendance/Punctuality                                    25%

                Midterm                                                                 25%

                Final                                                                       25%

                Paper                                                                      25%



Procedures, techniques and methodology:

The course of study may include lectures, discussions, group projects, individual projects, presentations, essays, attending performances and classroom activities.  Listening and viewing recordings, video and DVD presentations and live performances will also be components of this course.



A concert/drama/art critique of 2-3 pages (will discuss requirements in class).


Zero Tolerance Policy:

The instructor reserves the right to ask any student, who is behaving in an inappropriate manner, to leave the room.  If a student is asked to leave two times within the semester the instructor asks that they meet with a school counselor before returning.