Art of the Renaissance
Important Points:
Frescoes - a painting on wet plaster, plaster has lime in it. The paint becomes part of the plaster.
Oil Paint - Until the Renaissance period, pigments were mixed into egg yolk. The medium dryed very fast and was unable to provide intense and varied colors.
Renaissance artists used layers of translucent paint to create a luminous effect.
Secular as well as sacred subjects. Sometimes mixed.
Perspective - depth
Techniques of Chiaroscuro, sfumato, contrapposto
Use of color
Striving for balance
The last supper, Leonardo da Vinci, 1498
Examples - David
Art for people
Late renaissance - Development of the Mannerism Style - A European art
movement and style that developed between 1520 and 1600. It was a style that
rejected the calm balance of the High Renaissance in favor of emotion and
distortion. Works of art done in this style reflected the tension that marked
Europe at this time in history.
Christ on the Cross adored by Donors, El Greco 1585-90
Gesso - A
thick, water-base paint commonly formed of plaster, chalk, or gypsum bound
together with a glue. Gesso is used in manuscript illumination as a ground
for some gilding processes, since it forms a raised surface ideal for
burnishing and tooling. Methods of gesso preparation varied. |
(It. "light dark") - In painting, the modelling of
form (the creation of a sense of three-dimensionality in objects) through the
use of light and shade. The introduction of oil paints in the 15th century,
replacing tempera, encouraged the development of chiaroscuro, for oil paint
allowed a far greater range and control of tone. The term chiaroscuro is used in
particular for the dramatic contrasts of light and dark introduced by
Caravaggio. When the contrast of light and dark is strong, chiaroscuro becomes
an important element of composition.
technique in painting where there are no abrupt outlines - one form is
blended into another - foreground into background. Vinci/da Vinci2.htm corners of the mouth was considered in that period a sign of elegance. Thus Mona Lisa has that slight smile which enters into the gentle, delicate at
Contrapposto is a sculptural technique in which one hip is lower than the other because a knee has been bent or a leg has been moved forward or backward. It shows the artist's better understanding of anatomy. It is first exhibited in the ancient Greek Kritikos Boy, and can also be seen in Michelangelo's David.
list of links for art
Venus - Botticelli
Arnolfini Wedding Portrait, 1334 Jan van Eyck
The last supper, Leonardo da Vinci, 1498
Mona Lisa, da Vinci 1503
Lady with an Ermine, da Vinci 1483
Portrait of Ginevra de' Benci (Juniper) 1474
The Moneylender and His Wife, Quentin Matsys 1514
Old Man and his Grandson, D. Ghirlandaio 1480
Tintoretto, THe Last supper High Renaissance, Mannerism 1592
Michaelangelo DAvid 1501