Characterized by:
Opposing forces:
Church vs state
Aristocracy vs middle class
Grandiose Dimensions
Religious Intensity
Energy - Movement
Issac Newton - theory of gravity
Universal Principals
Locke - Natural law -- people had certain unalienable rights life liberty and property.
Educational Law - we are blank at birth we are shaped by our experiences and schooling.
Hooke - Cellular structure of plants
Harry - circulation of blood
Leibniq and Newton - Calculus
Descarte - analytical geometry
Growth of a Merchant class
Absolutism - Absolute Monarchs
Divine right
Revolutions against the monarchs
Enlightenment - Age of Reason
Result of 3 humiliations
1. Earth is not the center of the universe
2. People are creatures like all other living creatures
3. Reason is subject to emotion