Classical 1750 - 1800
Lucid, logical and symmetrical - balance
A return to simplicity graceful and refined.
Rise of the instrumental musician
Height of the the enlightenment
Music moved from the aristocracy to the public
Haydn 1732-1809, Mozart 1756-1791, Beethoven 1770 -1827
Commedia dell'Arte (Italy - 14th to 18th century)
It flourished in the 16th and 17th centuries. It was improvised drama. The plot, characters, scenes and their outcomes were all worked out (scenario or canvas). The performers improvised the dialogue. They had to be both actor and playwright.
The plots were about disgraceful love intrigues, trick to get money, outwitting someone, stolen children, plotting maids, aging fathers etc. The comic relief character was the "lazzi" who juggled, pantomimed, did acrobatic feats or wrestling. The actors wore masks.
Basic characters were:
Pantalone - merchant rich,
Gratiano - lawyer, doctor, astrologer
Captain - bragging, boasting, swashbuckling officer usually Spanish, cap, hat, high boots, told extraordinary tales.
Servant maid
Harlequin - servant maid's lover
Zanni - scoundrelly valet or jester