Drama comes from the Greek word “dran” meaning “to do” or “to act”.  Theatre comes from the Greek word “theatron”, “meaning a place for seeing.” Professional Theatre came into being during the Renaissance (reign of Elizabeth I).

-           Why?            What ideas or events during the Renaissance could have led to this?

Midsummer Night’s Dream


1.         Love

-            How many different kinds of love?

            -            How many are shown in the play and how do they affect the plot?    

-            Is love transitory and inconstant

-      What type of relationships do the 4 couples have?

-      How does the play about Pyramus and Thisby serve as a model for love?

2.            Friendship

-      What does friendship mean?

-      Attributes of a good friend?

-      How well do these attributes fit the four young lovers and the artisans?

-      What part does friendship play? Is loyalty of importance? How?

3.         Illusion vs. Reality

-      What is the importance of dreams in this play? How do they affect the outcome?

-            To what extent can one believe one’s own eyes?

-            What is the nature of reality?

-            In what ways is illusion important?

-            What part does imagination play in romance?

-            Why do we need illusions in our lives?

Plot Lines:

1.            Marriage of Hippolyta and Theseus

2.            Relationships of Hermia - Lysander & Helena - Demetrius

3.            Argument between Oberon and Titania

4.         The Play of Pyramus and Thisbe