Music Art & Drama
Music - three levels:
1. Senses
2. Expressive
3. Sheer Music
Pitch - a sound
Melody - organized group of pitches that express a complete musical idea.
Interval - distance between 2 pitches
Scale - sequential arrangement of small intervals 1 through 8.
Phrase - a group of notes that create a musical thought. Often equated with question/answer symmetry.
Conjunct motion -smooth, stepwise motion - small intervals
Disjunct motion - jagged, non-stepwise motion - larger intervals
Ryhthm - heartbeat of music. Pattern of long and short durations.
pulse - steady beat
meter - measures the pulse. Pattern of strong (accented) and weak (unaccented) beats.
Duple - in two
Triple - in three
Compound greater than 4 per measure.
Tempo - speed of the beat.
Harmony - Vertical organization of music. Lends to the anticipation of the listener.
Chord - group of 3 or more pitches. Basis of common practice of harmony.
Tonic =- built on the 1sat degree of the scale.
Dominent - built on the 5th degree of the scale.
Sub-dominent - built on the 4th degree of the scale.
Cadence - ending harmonic formula.
Texture - Monophonic - single melodic line - no accompanyment.
Homophonic - melodica line and accompanyment
Polyphonic - 2 or more independent lines .
Imitative -they imitate each other - fugue, round
Non-imitative - no imitation.